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Cooking Event with Jorge Roman

Cooking event with Jorge Roman

Friday, June 11th 2021
1:00pm PST | 4:00 PM EST | 10:00 PM GMT +2 (Spain)
Duration: 90 minutes
Presented by Jorge Román ZOOM VIRTUAL TOUR

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Join Jorge Roman  of Traveling with Jorge in another of his amazing cooking classes.

This time Jorge is going to show us how to cook one of the most delicious paella. It is a BLACK PAELLA. Did you know about the “Black Paella”? In Spain they call it “arroz negro”, black rice, but using calamari ink. Is something DELICIOUS!!
Look at the photo from the one Jorge cooked today!
Hasta pronto Chicos!

Live show from Spain hosted by Jorge Román for Traveling with Jorge , founding member of Guide Collective

Friday, June - 11th - 2021.
1,00 pm PST
4:00 pm EST
10:00 pm Central Europe


• Email
Jorge for details and booking.
• $20 per device
• Payment through PayPal
• Tour led via Zoom
• Duration: 90 minutes

For questions about the virtual tour or future in-person tours with Jorge, you can reach him at

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Jorge Román was born and raised in Málaga, Andalucía, Spain. He has worked in the tour guiding industry since 1996, sharing the beautiful and diverse history, art, and cuisine of Spain with his travelers. He organizes small tours groups in Spain and Portugal with his company Traveling with Jorge. You can discover more of Jorge’s insights on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

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