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British Canals & The Industrial Revolution

Explore the British Canals & The Industrial Revolution on a Virtual tour with Charlie Rawson


Wednesday, January 2oth, 2021
10:30 PST | 1:30 EST | 6:30 GMT (UK)
Presented by Charlie Rawson via Zoom
Contact Charlie via email (see below)

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Join Charlie Rawson of Travel with Charlie Rawson in a LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR of the British Canals & learn about the Industrial Revolution.

Coming from the urban Midlands, I learned about the outdoors from the canal towpath. Let us trace this web of water that connected the nation and ushered in the Industrial Revolution. Let us explore these British waterways to unearth the history, characters, castles, and the romance of leisure cruising and narrow boats.

Keeping our travel dreams alive, Charlie offers this tour with an uplifting, thoughtful and informative approach.

Email Charlie at for details and booking.
$20 per device
Payment through PayPal
Tour led via Zoom
Duration: 75 minutes

For questions about this event or to submit a questions you’d like answered during the event, please email Charlie Rawson at For information about future virtual or in person tours with Charlie, please visit Travel with Charlie Rawson.


Charlie Rawson lives in Bristol, England, and has visited, worked or studied in 33 countries so is an experienced and vibrant traveller and teacher. With Celtic blood and a love of culture and languages, she continues these passions through hiking, guiding and writing. She is available for UK and European tours (Travel with Charlie Rawson), and for those unable to travel, Charlie offers virtual tours throughout the UK. She also writes personalized travel poetry recapturing your treasured travel memories. Charlie hosts global travel planning sessions and leads classes in wellbeing for healthy and happy travels. You can follow Charlie on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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