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Guide Collective Connections (Israel)

GC Connections | with Host Reid Coen and Guest Dalia Habash from ISRAEL

Thursday, July 8th, 2021
10:00 am PST | 1:00 pm EST | 8:00 pm Jerusalem
Presented by Guide Collective on Facebook Live @guide.collective

Image : Arno Smit

Image : Arno Smit

Guide Collective Connection is a one-hour interview program hosted by tour guide and owner of Imprint Tours, Reid Coen. GCC brings live cultural connections right to your screen.

Join Reid for a bi-weekly chat with travel professionals from around the globe as they discuss their respective countries and topics of interest for all those with a passion for travel.


Episode 18 | Dalia Habash—Israel

Thursday, July 8th

10:00am PST | 1:00pm EST | 8:00pm  Jerusalem

LIVE STREAM presented at



• Dalia’s personal story

• Overview of Israel

• Favorite spots/experiences in Jerusalem & Israel

• Best Off the Beaten Track destinations

• Getting beyond the façade of commercial tourism

• Israeli history and archeology

• Being a woman in tourism

• Palestinian perspective

• Israeli-Palestinian conflict; perspective; hopes for resolution

• Current Israeli administration issues

• Free Virtual Event
• No booking required

If you want to pre-submit questions to be answered during the live show (if time allows), send them to Reid Coen at

For more information about future tours to with Imprint Tours, please visit Imprint Tours

Reid Coen, is a 25-year veteran of the travel industry. He created Imprint Tours in 2005, specializing in non-European destinations, including Southeast Asia, India, China, Japan, Bali, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, East & Southern Africa, Guatemala, Peru, Patagonia, and Antarctica.  Western destinations include New Zealand, the Greek Islands, the American West & Southwest, and a Danube River Cruise.  Future projects include the Best of Colorado, Southern India, China Off the Beaten Track, Ecuador & Galapagos, and the Himalayas. Follow Reid @imprinttours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Born and raised in Jerusalem, Dalia Habash studied in the United States, attending Washington State University in Pullman Washington and graduating with a degree in Communications.

Upon returning to Jerusalem, she worked for newspapers and magazines before deciding to join her parents' travel agency in 1994. She worked there until 2000 when the second Intifada started—they lost all business for a few years. Dalia used her time to work at Birzeit University and then at the National Conservatory of Music for 5 years. As tourism trickled back slowly, work eventually came back in full. She has concentrated on the tourism business over the past 13 years.

The Covid pandemic has created another round of challenges. Like all of us, Dalia is hopeful the vaccines will work and life will go back to semi-normal soon. She's eager for tourists to return and enjoy her beautiful country.

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