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A Traditional Hallowe’en in Scotland

Traditional Hallowe’een Activities in Scotland: Live Stream Event with Liz Lister and Trish Feaster

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020 | 1:00pm PT  | 4:00pm   ET | 8:00pm GMT (UK)
Duration: ~ 1 hour
Presented by Liz Lister of Jaggy Thistle Tours and Trish Feaster of The Travelphile
Hosted on Facebook Live |

Turnip carving: a Scottish tradition Images | Liz Lister

Turnip carving: a Scottish tradition
Images | Liz Lister

Join us for a Live Stream Event as Trish Feaster of The Travelphile chats with Liz Lister of Jaggy Thistle Tours about traditional Hallowe’en activities in Scotland and learns some fun holiday decorating techniques.

These two tour guides and friends will spend an hour chatting about how All Hallows Eve would traditionally have been spent in Scotland. It will be 8pm in Scotland. Darkness has fallen, and it’s the time of year when the veil between the material and the spirit world is at its thinnest. We’ll be taking a light-hearted look at witches, ghosties and things that go bump in the night!

•Join this LIVE conversation and participate in the Comments section during the event.
• We encourage you to decorate with us and join in on the fun: grab your nearest pumpkin or turnip (as Scots would traditionally do) and your carving/decorating tools.

• Origins of Hallowe’en
• Guising
• Turnip Lanterns
Dooking for Apples
• Treacle Scones
• Washing the Sleeve of the Shirt / Eating an Apple in Front of a Looking Glass

FREE Virtual Event
No Booking required
The Live Stream Event will be hosted on Facebook Live via The Travelphile | and simulcast on the Guide Collective FB page |
Virtual Tip Jar available via PayPal |

For more details or to submit questions you would like to hear answered during the live stream:

Liz Lister
Email |
Facebook Messenger |

Trish Feaster
Email |
Facebook Messenger |


Liz Lister spanned a 30-year career in every sector of education in Scotland, culminating as Director of Recruitment and Admissions at the University of Edinburgh. In 2010, Liz  embarked on a new chapter in her life, combining a pride and fascination in her native country, a love of travel and diverse cultures, and the ambition to deliver customer service that exceeds all expectations. Today, Liz balances the role of Blue Badge tour guide with planning bespoke private tours for discerning travellers for her company Jaggy Thistle Tours, writing a travel blog called Stravaiging with Liz, and co-hosting the Scottish Blethers podcast. Find more from Liz on Facebook and Instagram.

Trish Feaster is a veteran tour guide and guidebook researcher for Rick Steves’ Europe and also leads tours in Southeast Asia, South America, and the Middle East for Imprint Tours. She’s also the Managing Editor for Guide Collective. With her love of languages, desire to learn from other cultures, and hunger for global cuisines, Trish shares the lessons, discoveries, and insights she’s learned from her extensive travels at You can also follow her @thetravelphile on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram (also @themoveablefeaster).

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