LIVE-streamed and Virtual Travel Events with Expert Guides
See the world through our window! Join us for interviews, walking tours, classes and virtual travel with our local experts from around the world. Some events are free, others must be reserved and paid ahead. Check listings for details and links. Tour costs must be paid directly to guides. All times are PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (ie Seattle/Los Angeles) but confirm time with your guide.
Live-Stream Events: These are events in the wild, where guides roam naturally amongst their habitats, streamed live on Zoom, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live, with active participant interaction.
Virtual Tours: These events are prerecorded video and images combined with live commentary and active participant discussion.
Pamplona’s Art History Museum
Join Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria of Traveling Steps as he visits Pamplona´s museum of historical art. This will be an exceptional tour, as they will open the dorrs of the Museum just for us. We will discover some of the ost beatiful pieces of art starting from Roman time all the way to modern art.