A Family of Amazing Women

Susan Brown | Eyes on Scotland

March 31st marks the end of Women’s Month, and in the UK, the last Sunday in March is also Mother’s Day.  It set me to looking through my photos of the last few years and reflecting on the amazing women in my family. 

Great Auntie Mary
Image | Susan Brown

The matriarch is Great Auntie Mary who has just celebrated her 96th birthday. Whilst she might not be golfing any more, she is sharp as a tack. During World War II, Auntie Mary trained at college as a radio operative, and as a teenager, she left her parents home near Glasgow and took a train to England to start work in a government listening station. As she got on the train, some of the parting words her parents had for her were “Don’t disgrace yourself.” She said it was an exciting time with nightly dances as well as plenty of hard work—the sparkle in her eyes suggests that the memories are still strong and some stories untold! After the war, she got married, but unfortunately, her husband died when her children were still young, so she worked hard to make sure they were provided for. Nowadays, she lives in Pitlochry, spends her time with family, and uses her guile to play (and usually win at) Bridge!

Susan and her mum
Image | Susan Brown

My mum is one of five siblings, four of whom are women.  All, bar one, have lost their spouse and have found their way through it with the support of each other. Mum is an integral part of my life and a great source of strength. I love being able to spend so much time with her and as we live next door to each other, it is probably good that we get on so well!  My dad died in May 2020, and I am proud and constantly inspired by how well mum has adapted to life on her own and learning new skills (things that dad used to do) that we all wish she had never had to learn. 

Left photo: Auntie Trish, Mum, Auntie Kate | Right photo: Auntie Migs
Images | Susan Brown

Mum’s three sisters are also part of the glue of our extended family. Kate, Trish and Migs all have their own (grown up) kids and grandkids. The “Mad Aunties,” as I call them, all live within 30 minutes of each other, meet up regularly, and go on vacations in Scotland together. I love hanging out with them all as a full group or with only one or two as the chat is always varied and there are plenty of laughs. I appreciate that not all families are the same, but I love that they are there for each other and the various kids and grandkids.

As we mark the end of Women’s Month, take time to reflect on the wonderful women in your life and tell them how much they mean to you.

Susan Brown

Susan Brown is a native Scot living in one of the most picturesque regions, Perthshire. She works with corporate guests, family groups and tour groups to create and deliver engaging, delicious and fun tours of Scotland – on coach or in a 6 seater vehicle. You can follow Susan as @scotlandtourguide on Instagram and facebook . Susan is involved in Scottish Blethers podcast with fellow Guide Collective members Liz Lister and Helen Houston.

Susan’s other passion is Bermuda where she spends several months per year, find her @eyesonbermuda adventures on facebook and instagram.


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