5 Beauty Products for Male Travelers

Fran Glaria | Traveling Steps

Let me make this clear: if you are a woman you should stop reading this article right now. This post is not for you, this is for the men in your life. Thanks for sharing this with them. 

Hi guys, don´t you think it is about time we normalize the use of cosmetics for us? I’ve put together a list of my favorite basics. With these, you’re covered!

Aleppo Soap

When you stay in hotels, often there’s no shower gel. If you buy one, most of the soaps are liquid—not a good idea if you are going to fly. No matter how small you buy it, you end up throwing away half the bottle. The solution is this bar soap.

It comes from the city of Aleppo in Syria. It is 100% natural and has no added perfume, colorants, etc.  Since it’s oil based, it hydrates perfectly. 

There are two extra things I like about it:
• When you wash with it, it has a strange smell that disappears as soon as you rinse it. This way your own cologne will smell the way it is supposed  to smell.

• It is totally hypoallergenic and super soft with your skin. This means that you can wash “all” your body with one soap…Yes guys, use the same soap for the face and the…. It is OK, girls, you shouldn't be reading this anyway. LOL


Forget “Gold finger”—Now It’s Gold Eye Pads
Brouger Eye Zone Collagen Gel Masks

This is pure vanity, and it works!

Whenever I do an over the ocean flight, the thing that shows how tired I am are my eyes. I get the biggest under-eye bags you can imagine. These golden patches for eye bags are the perfect solution. In just 15 minutes you will look like you have slept for 10 hours. Miracles do exist!

Biologique Recherche—what a discovery! Image | Fran Glaria

Biologique Recherche—what a discovery!
Image | Fran Glaria

What the F--- is this?
Biologique Recherche
Lait VIP 02
P50 1970 with Phenol

My wife started using this brand (Biologique Recherche) four years ago. From week one she has been trying to convince me to test it. A couple of years ago I gave it a try, and now I am their number one fan.

In just two simple steps, your skin will look perfect. It clears any redness or pimples. It even softens wrinkles.

First you clean your face with the milk VIP O2. I do it in the shower so I don´t forget. Once you dry your skin, and before putting sunscreen on, you apply the P50 magical liquid. If you have shaved it itches a bit, but in 10 seconds you are ready. Just in case you are in the mood for experimenting, don´t do it. The P50 is only for the face… I have tried it somewhere else and it is not fun…

There is a “but” with these products, and it’s the price. They are not cheap, but they last forever. One bottle (8 oz.) of either product lasts for one year, and each costs about $150.

Neutrogena Sport Face Sunscreen—I use it every day. Image | Neutrogena

Neutrogena Sport Face Sunscreen—I use it every day.
Image | Neutrogena

Don´t “Shine bright like a diamond”
Neutrogena Sport Face Oil-Free Sunscreen 

At this point in life, we all know we have to wear sunscreen all day long. I used to hate it until I found this one by Neutrogena. It has high sun protection (SPF 70+) and water-resistant.

The important thing is that it has a soft texture that is easy to apply. Once you put it on, it is not shiny at all, and what is even better, it doesn't run into my eyes. I hate when either of these things happen!

Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel Image | Fruit of the Earth

Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel
Image | Fruit of the Earth

I think it is handy to carry  this rehydrating gel with you. If you get a rash or dry skin, it works perfectly. It’s also 100% organic and hypoallergenic. 

It has an extra big plus, it works as a perfect lubricating gel. You know what I mean…

Fran Glaria

Fran Glaria was born and raised in Pamplona, part of the Basque country in northern Spain.  His passions for history, art and food, led him to tour guiding. Over 20 years ago, he started a small local guiding company in his hometown. This company evolved into designing tours in the Basque region, and also into organizing tours for the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona. In 2012 Fran joined the Rick Steves’ Europe team and discovered a great way of teaching about his culture. You can follow Fran and Traveling Steps on Facebook and Instagram.


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