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How to Geek Out on the Habsburgs
If you want to do a deep dive on the most important family in European history—or, heck, even if you don’t want to go fully down the rabbit hole, but do want to learn a bit more—then I’ve got some resources for you. These are a few websites, movies/tv series, and books (besides the one I wrote) that are all worth exploring. Enjoy—I’d be interested to hear if you have any favorites!
7 Essential Books on Spanish Culture of the 19th-21st Centuries
At the end of the 1800s, Spain lost all its remaining colonies...By 1923 (the year Ernest Hemingway arrived in Pamplona), the tension in the streets was palpable. Only in big celebrations, like the Running of the Bulls, people could forget their struggles.
5 Movies Based on Books by Ernest Hemingway
One of America’s most prolific and celebrated writers to change the literary landscape is undeniably Ernest Hemingway. While it’s always a challenge to capture a work of writing and adequately refashion it for the silver screen, here are five worthwhile adaptations of works by the incomparable Ernest Hemingway.