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Arts and Culture Reid Coen Arts and Culture Reid Coen

Balinese Cremations

A cremation day is characterized more by fun and laughter than mourning. The community is helping to achieve their sacred duty: liberating the soul of the departed and freeing them to reincarnate. In Bali’s unique form of Hinduism, the body is only a shell—the vessel of the soul.  After death, the soul lingers near the body until being liberated by fire. Through cremation, the soul is released to be reborn.

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Arts and Culture Fran Glaria Arts and Culture Fran Glaria

When the Rush is Gone

Now is the moment when Jake will feel a cold shiver in his spine. He will hear a runner saying “did you see the guy who was gored? He really looked bad, I bet he will not even make it to the hospital.”   Another  runner will answer “I heard he has died.”

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Letter from the Founder Sarah Murdoch Letter from the Founder Sarah Murdoch

Letter from the Founder—November 2020

This year has been one of the most challenging on record, especially in the travel world, so it may seem counterintuitive to talk about celebrating anything. Bad news plagues our social media and televisions, the entire world is stressed out. It is in these times, however, that celebrating is more important than ever. Small victories are all around you if you look for them.

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