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A Very Important Road Right Outside My Door
The sound of the group was much quieter and there were only jokes at night around the campfire. I personally started to enjoy walking by myself in silence. I started to appreciate the sound of the warm summer wind, I never realized that the wind sounds different in the cold of winter. The tweeting of the birds would guide me on each step. I loved how nature was whispering into my ears.
The Extraordinary Life of Saint Francis Xavier
Ignatius had sensed the generous soul and great potential of this young man. He wanted to bring the best out of Francisco. In the end, Ignatius convinced him to join in and help create the Order of Jesus or The Jesuits. All the strength and vitality that Francisco showed for worldly life, he poured out when he joined Ignatius and began his spiritual life. The man who would become a saint embarked on great journey to the East to spread the Good Word of God.
Centuries of Communities on Iona
Iona is a small island lying off the west coast of Scotland. Measuring just four miles in length and one mile at its widest point, this is a special place. A spiritual place. A liminal place where the veil between the spiritual and the material world is thin—a threshold.