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The Power of Love, According to Dante
Vita nuova translates to “new life,” and through prose and poems Dante describes his relationship with the love of his life, Beatrice. These two first met in Florence when they were nine years old, and then again when they were 18. The early poems in Vita nuova show Dante as a young man besotted with Beatrice’s beauty, love-sick like a hormonal teenager. As in any pop-culture romance, his infatuation has its ups and downs. He’s devastated when Beatrice refuses to greet him in the street. He even has a dream in which Love appears to him personified, and feeds Dante’s heart to Beatrice.
5 Movies Based on Books by Ernest Hemingway
One of America’s most prolific and celebrated writers to change the literary landscape is undeniably Ernest Hemingway. While it’s always a challenge to capture a work of writing and adequately refashion it for the silver screen, here are five worthwhile adaptations of works by the incomparable Ernest Hemingway.