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Social Matters Susan Brown Social Matters Susan Brown

Paradise Lost?

Until last week, I understood over-tourism to be an urban problem, limited to cities like Edinburgh, Rome, Paris, New York, Sydney, or Barcelona. I was forced to re-evaluate in the most unlikely of locations—a beautiful beach on the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, about as far away from the likes of a global metropolis as you could possibly imagine.

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Balinese Dance Education

The island paradise of Bali exerts a marvelous, almost magnetic aesthetic appeal for western visitors. Much of that allure is due to the island’s richly diverse artistic culture. Among the many splendid forms, I think Balinese dance is the most compelling. Perhaps it is better called dance-drama as it is an art that cannot be separated from theater.

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Travel Tips, Arts and Culture Guest Contributor Travel Tips, Arts and Culture Guest Contributor

India—An Ethnic Kaleidoscope

A nation or a “Wonder World” that dazzles with color and chaos, India takes visitors on a journey of soul-stirring encounters. This country boasts a matrix of innumerable co-existing beliefs, a 5000-years old civilization, a home to some of the most colorful and vivid folklore from several ethnic groups, five seasons a year; a festival every day, a smile every second. It’s easy to realize that India is a magical paradox with modern connotations.

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Arts and Culture, Social Matters Reid Coen Arts and Culture, Social Matters Reid Coen

Democracy in Morocco

After a lifetime of travel, one starts to think a new destination will not hold any unique surprises. Such was the case for Morocco - my expectations for Imprint’s first Morocco tour were way too low. This is an amazing travel destination. And perhaps more importantly, it is a country where Western travelers can experience a democratic, moderate Muslim culture.

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Women's Travel, Travel Tips, Social Matters Trish Feaster Women's Travel, Travel Tips, Social Matters Trish Feaster

Vietnam & Cambodia Amid the Coronavirus Scare

Having just spent 3 weeks in Southeast Asia, enjoying jaw-dropping sights, mouth-watering cuisine, eye-opening historical and cultural lessons, and connecting with intriguing, kind, generous, and delightful people all over Vietnam and Cambodia, I am feeling really torn about the need to be vigilant about public health safety and the incessant focus on the fear of contracting COVID-19 and how that’s creating devastating, rippling effects in global economies, encouraging xenophobia, and making people panic worldwide. 

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Travel Tips Reid Coen Travel Tips Reid Coen

Go When You Can

Recently, I received a newsletter from Lonely Planet that featured an article titled, “Six Bucket List Destinations at Risk of Disappearing Due to Climate Change.” The list included the Galapagos Islands, a proposed destination for my tour company, Imprint Tours. Once again, I was reminded how a cherished travel goal can be yanked away, sometimes never to return. 

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Travel Tips, Arts and Culture Sarah Murdoch Travel Tips, Arts and Culture Sarah Murdoch

Mona Lisa: Why?

Every day in every famous museum, there is a swarm of visitors mobbing a single piece. The David. Primavera. The Sistine Chapel. And in Paris, the Mona Lisa. Tempers flare as visitors vie for position to get the best view or the perfect selfie for Instagram. And as I observe the madness, I have to wonder, why are we doing this?

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