The Bell Tower of Artajona, Spain
Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria takes you up the Bell Tower at the village of Artajona in Navarra, Spain. It remains one of the few churches where bells are still being played by hand and are not computerized.

Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria takes you up the Bell Tower at the village of Artajona in Navarra, Spain. It remains one of the few churches where bells are still being played by hand and are not computerized.
Image | Diego Delso
Image | Fran Glaria
Fran Glaria was born and raised in Pamplona, part of the Basque country in northern Spain. His passions for history, art and food, led him to tour guiding. Over 20 years ago, he started a small local guiding company in his hometown. This company evolved into designing tours in the Basque region, and also into organizing tours for the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona. In 2012 Fran joined the Rick Steves’ Europe team and discovered a great way of teaching about his culture. You can follow Fran and Traveling Steps on Facebook and Instagram.