SB | Episode 16:Last year, lockdown & looking forward

We're back ! After a wee break from recording over the Festive Season, we're all revved up and ready to go. In this episode we talk about the current lockdown in Scotland and look forward to what will be happening in 2021 and our wishes for the year. As always we finish with our Scots words of the episode.

We post additional content during the week on our social media. Connect with us on instagram and facebook at @scottishblethers and let us know of any requests, comments or suggestions.

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Thanks for listening!

Liz, Susan & Helen


Susan Brown, Helen Houston and Liz Lister are three friends who qualified as STGA (Scottish Tourist Guide Association) Blue Badge qualified guides following previous careers in education and business.

Passionate about the country they’ve lived in all their lives, they are pouring their creative energies into educating and entertaining their listeners on Scotland - “the best small country in the world”.

With a blend of extensive knowledge and humour they’ll have you laughing while you learn. So put the kettle on and settle down for a right good blether!

You can find Helen as  @tourscotlandwithhelen on Facebook

Look for Susan as @scotlandtourguide on Facebook and Instagram and at her website

Search out more information on Liz at her website @lizlisterguide on Facebook , and @lizlistertourguide on Instagram.

Scottish Blethers is available on Spotify , Apple, and Google Podcasts. You can follow them on @scottishblethers on Facebook and Instagram.


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