

Hosts | Liz Lister and Helen Houston

In Scotland, when friends get together they blether. When those friends happen to be Scottish Blue Badge Tourist Guides you can be sure that the country they are so passionate about will be right at the heart of their discussions.

Contemporary and historical; culinary and cultural; reminiscence and anecdote - from accommodation to zoos, the chat will range across the entire alphabet of topics and issues that are live and happening in Scotland right now.

We hope that you’ll join us - there’s nothing to beat a right good blether!

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 69: Inventions Scots gave the World

On the anniversary of the death of Alexander Bain we take a look at some of the simple everyday objects of modern life that owe their origins to the enquiring minds of Scottish inventors. Who was Alexander Bain? He invented the electric clock which was able to synchronise clocks around the world and made a major contribution to the developing telegraph industry. Yet he died in poverty and relative obscurity - a common theme. We look at how happenchance elevated some names to international recognition while the story of others become a footnote in the history books.

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