

Hosts | Liz Lister and Helen Houston

In Scotland, when friends get together they blether. When those friends happen to be Scottish Blue Badge Tourist Guides you can be sure that the country they are so passionate about will be right at the heart of their discussions.

Contemporary and historical; culinary and cultural; reminiscence and anecdote - from accommodation to zoos, the chat will range across the entire alphabet of topics and issues that are live and happening in Scotland right now.

We hope that you’ll join us - there’s nothing to beat a right good blether!

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 70: Edinburgh’s one o’clock gun

One of the city's great traditions - when visitors jump in fright ad locals check their watches. On the anniversary month in which the gun was first fired in 1861 we look at why this tradition developed and some of the characters associated with it.

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 68: Places we resolve to visit in 2022

It's New Year so its's traditional to make our resolutions for the year ahead. In this first episode of Scottish Blethers Podcast in 2022 we chat about places in Scotland that have so far eluded us but which we are determined to finally get around to visiting. They're on our bucket list and we hope that you'll add them to yours!

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