

Hosts | Liz Lister and Helen Houston

In Scotland, when friends get together they blether. When those friends happen to be Scottish Blue Badge Tourist Guides you can be sure that the country they are so passionate about will be right at the heart of their discussions.

Contemporary and historical; culinary and cultural; reminiscence and anecdote - from accommodation to zoos, the chat will range across the entire alphabet of topics and issues that are live and happening in Scotland right now.

We hope that you’ll join us - there’s nothing to beat a right good blether!

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 72: Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Today the City of Glasgow celebrates Charles Rennie Mackintosh as the genius of architecture, design and watercolour that he undoubtedly was. Visitors flock to see his creations - be they landmark buildings, icons of furniture design or renowned interiors created in partnership with his artist wife Margaret.

In the week that the report was published into the fire that devastated his masterpiece the Glasgow School of Art, we reflect on how this acclaim wasn’t always forthcoming during his own lifetime. His “modernist ideas” were not everyone’s cup of tea - no matter how elegant that cup might be !!

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 11: Remembering

Join tour guides Liz, Helen and Susan in their weekly Scottish Blethers podcast.

In Episode 11 we reflect on those who fell in two World Wars and subsequent conflicts. We revisit the ancient people of Scotland and the buildings they left on the landscape. We rediscover one of our most loved of indigenous species - the Highland Cow.

As always, we finish with our Scots words of the episode.

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