

Hosts | Liz Lister and Helen Houston

In Scotland, when friends get together they blether. When those friends happen to be Scottish Blue Badge Tourist Guides you can be sure that the country they are so passionate about will be right at the heart of their discussions.

Contemporary and historical; culinary and cultural; reminiscence and anecdote - from accommodation to zoos, the chat will range across the entire alphabet of topics and issues that are live and happening in Scotland right now.

We hope that you’ll join us - there’s nothing to beat a right good blether!

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 36: Working Women

In this episode we visit Juteopolis – the name given to Dundee in the 19th Century when the city’s landscape and economic activity were dominated by the processing of raw jute from Bengal into hessian or burlap to meet burgeoning demand for sacks, sails and covers for pioneers heading west. For the first time it was the women who were the breadwinners – working in the mills while the men stayed home. Same era but worlds apart, Kate Cranston was a pioneer of a different kind. Astute businesswoman, patron of the arts and social pioneer she introduced tearooms to Glasgow giving respectable women a place to socialise unchaperoned and men a place to escape the demon drink.

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GC Radio Editor GC Radio Editor

SB | Episode 28: Let Them Eat Cake !

Last week saw Scottish Blethers focus on tea - which puts us in the mood for cake! In this week's episode we explore some of the many regional cakes to be found across Scotland- from Kirriemur Gingerbread to Ecclefechan Tarts. In particular, we focus on the little national treasure, the Tunnock's Teacake. Before anyone asks- yes it definitely is a cake not a biscuit!

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