

Hosts | Andrew Villone and Ben Curtis

Discussing all things Central and Eastern Europe, from culture & politics to local cuisine & geography, with two seasoned travelers and expats residing in this part of the world. Join Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone as they delve into all the things they love (and some of what they loathe) from this amazing, diverse and slightly-misunderstood part of the world.

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EA | Episode 21: Is Hungary a country to move to ?

In this special episode, Ben and Andrew are joined by Peter, their Canadian friend living in Hungary's Lake Balaton, discussing Hungary as a destination for North American retirees. Discussions also cover the Digital Nomad concept and efforts to get a Hungarian digital nomad visa created.

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EA | Episode 19: All about Albania

Live streamed from northeast Albania, Andrew gives his thoughts and impressions of North Macedonia and Albania plus how it is traveling between countries during Covid.

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EA | Episode 17: Dark Tourism

To coincide with International Holocaust Remembrance Day, tour guides Ben and Andrew bring up the idea of ‘dark tourism’, debate its merits and discuss some of the destinations they’ve experienced this in such as Chernobyl, Auschwitz and bone church or ossuary in Czechia. They also delve into a few travel wish-lists so get ready to learn more about Russia’s Golden Ring and a Bavarian Wagner festival.

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EA | Episode 16: Russia and Turkey : Europe or Not ?

To ring in 2021, tour guides Ben and Andrew tackle a big fish, the issue of Russia and Turkey being part of Europe or not. Do these countries belong in their own special category or are they really Europe? Ben waxes poetic about his first time in Bosnia where a still war-torn Sarajevo had not revealed all of its charms. Andrew recalls rubbing elbows with a soon to be Croatian President during his first time in Croatia.

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EA | Episode 15: More to Hungary than Budapest

Tour guides Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone discuss Eastern Europe.

Eastern Approaches admit their shortcomings with a focus on those destinations they know little about including Slovakia. Learn about holiday traditions and the Christmas scene in both Czech and Slovenia. Andrew recounts some memorable travels with his father through Poland and the Baltics. We focus on great places for hikes and nature in Montenegro and Slovenia.

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EA | Episode 14: No Smiles - A Primer on Service Culture

Tour guides Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone discuss Eastern Europe.

Eastern Approaches admit their shortcomings with a focus on those destinations they know little about including Slovakia. Learn about holiday traditions and the Christmas scene in both Czech and Slovenia. Andrew recounts some memorable travels with his father through Poland and the Baltics. We focus on great places for hikes and nature in Montenegro and Slovenia.

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EA | Episode 13: Grab Bag o’ Travels

Tour guides Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone discuss Eastern Europe.

Eastern Approaches admit their shortcomings with a focus on those destinations they know little about including Slovakia. Learn about holiday traditions and the Christmas scene in both Czech and Slovenia. Andrew recounts some memorable travels with his father through Poland and the Baltics. We focus on great places for hikes and nature in Montenegro and Slovenia.

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EA | Episode 12: The Grinch Approaches

Tour guides Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone discuss Eastern Europe.

Ben recalls many of his not-so-fond memories ‘surviving’ his first time in Romania. Andrew waxes poetic about Sunday brunch and double-features in Prague. And they both discuss why Zagreb and Plovdiv are two great cities that aren’t on most travelers’ radar (yet).

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EA | Episode 6: Empires that Shaped Central and Eastern Europe—Part 2

In part 2 of empires that shaped this part of the world, Ben Curtis and Andrew Villone look at what it means to the traveler: what monuments of these empires, their legacy on borders and travel infrastructure, and the empires’ fingerprints on autonomous regions. Plus, get tips on capturing the essence of travel and keeping in touch with the travel community while staying in your own home town.

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EA | Episode 1: Introduction to Central & Eastern Europe

Get to know hosts and tour guides Andrew Villone and Ben Curtis. They’ll help define the region of Central/Eastern Europe, focus on destination of the week—Bosnia, and share practical tips as well as picks for film and music.

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