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Travel Tips, GC Faves, This Month Ben Curtis Travel Tips, GC Faves, This Month Ben Curtis

Top Destinations in Eastern and Central Europe for 2021 and 2022

I hope everyone is nurturing some travel dreams for the not too distant future, and in this post I’ll give my top recommendations for where to travel in Eastern and Central Europe over the next year. As much damage as the pandemic has done to the travel industry, for people who are ready to hit the road again soon, you’ll find some incredible opportunities and bargains.

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GC Faves, Arts and Culture Andrew Villone GC Faves, Arts and Culture Andrew Villone

Often Overlooked Places

Here are some ideas for those wanting to check out more than just a country’s top 3 or most known sights and cities. Not that these are totally off the radar, but many folks probably know about these places and figure they’ll give’ em a miss. If you are in that camp, then here are a few reasons to reconsider these destinations next time you make your travel plans. 

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Local Flavors Andrew Villone Local Flavors Andrew Villone

The Elusive DIY Spirit IS Alive and Well at Kumparicka

Many of my guests know that I moved here to Slovenia from Seattle. It’s been over 6 years now and it seems like I get asked these 3 questions a lot: How often do I go back? (Never). What do I miss most about Seattle? (Having great and plentiful Asian food). And what’s the biggest difference in mindsets between Americans and Europeans? For sure that’s our DIY spirit - the belief that the idea and experience an individual has trumps their formal education.

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