GC Columns
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Truffles: Mother Nature’s Artisanal Creation
If there is a fungus that deserves to be in all history books, it should be the Truffle. We have records from the Mesopotamian Empire (3000 BCE) where the Sumerians would eat truffles. In Egypt, there are hieroglyphs the depict the offering truffles to the deities. Greeks and Romans loved them—Emperor Nero said “Truffles are a delicacy of gods.''
5 Favorite Tapas Bars in Pamplona
A tapa in the rest of the world is a small bite. That is what it is, although here those bites are culinary delights. Normally served over a piece of bread, you can find toppings of crab salad, cod fish, sirloin, blood sausage, mushrooms, you name it.
New Beginnings, the Italian Way
One of our neighbours’ sons, got married in 2016, so I asked if I could write about “going to the chapel,” aka, the wedding, and the answer was “Si!” Weddings are a fun and interesting way to get a glimpse into any culture. This wedding was a great mix of old traditions and modern trends.
The Italian Secret to Raising an Unfinicky Eater
I didn’t learn to like food until I was twelve when my dad made me try this horrible plate of green pasta, it was covered with pesto and I was cynical, but my dad insisted I try it and it was a revolution. From that point on I tried everything and learned to not just like, but love food and to appreciate all the good things I was fed at home.
Scottish Shortbread and a Happy New Year
Shortbread is synonymous with Scotland, and no self-respecting shortbread tin would be without a striking image of the country. If you’re thinking of visiting friends on New Year’s Eve and want to take a home-made gift, or if you simply want to treat yourself or your family, the recipes below are quick and easy and could be just what you’re looking for!
December 7: Traditional Swabian Springerle Cookies from Germany
It’s Christmastime and that means Christmas cookies! You probably have your own traditions and favorites, but might I encourage you to add something new to your holiday treats?
Gourmet Snails: The Food of the Future?
When you visit the land of Barolo in Piemonte, red wines, prized white truffles and hazelnuts (home to Nutella) might come to mind. What you wouldn't expect to find though is gourmet snails!
Harvest Celebrations
After spending a majority of the year pruning, meticulously trimming and caring for each vine as it grows, the critical moment of picking the grapes arrives. The “vendemmia” (harvest) is like the birth of a healthy newborn baby after waiting nine months. The winemakers only feel relief once the grapes are in the cellar! Phew!
Wine, Dine, and Views |Part 1
Discover some of Guide Collective’s favorite places to enjoy drinks, dishes, and impeccable vistas in part 1 of this series: Wine, Dine, and Views.
Blending Modern Art and the Art of Wine-Making at Otazu Winery
There are records that show wine production in Otazu dating back to the 800s AD. It was the most relevant moment of the Camino De Santiago. This is the Saint James Pilgrimage—one of the three most important Christian pilgrimages in the world—and it used to cross Otazu´s property.
The Rise of Bread
In Italian the word for “bread” is pane, the etymological root for which is pà meaning “nourishment.” We find the same root in the translation of “meal”, pasto. I personally love our idiom for describing a very good, honest, humble and true man: “buono come il pane” (“as good as bread').
La Conserva: A Worthwhile Italian Tradition
It is that time of year again when the garden is full of tomatoes and it is time to make la conserva, the base for most of our tomato sauces that we learned from Mauro’s parents. It is truly a labour of love. We enjoy good food and knowing what is in our food. In this case, it takes some hard work.
The Elusive DIY Spirit IS Alive and Well at Kumparicka
Many of my guests know that I moved here to Slovenia from Seattle. It’s been over 6 years now and it seems like I get asked these 3 questions a lot: How often do I go back? (Never). What do I miss most about Seattle? (Having great and plentiful Asian food). And what’s the biggest difference in mindsets between Americans and Europeans? For sure that’s our DIY spirit - the belief that the idea and experience an individual has trumps their formal education.
Brown Chicken Brown Cow: The Many Delights of Food Porn
There’s something so evocative to me about pictures of food and the power they have to vividly remind me of mouth-watering meals and moments that I’ve had on my travels. I can look at my culinary photos and remember exactly where I was, the scent of the dish just placed in front of me, and the way the flavors open up on my pallet.
The Beloved Baguette
Think about the way you envision a stereotypical Frenchman: black beret, a striped t-shirt and a baguette under the arm.The beret is from the Basque country. The stripes are common in Brittany. But what about the baguette?