GC Columns
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To Study or Not to Study: A Look at Education in Spain
In Spain, a child has to attend school from the age of 6 until 16. By the time they have finished these mandatory 10 years, they are required to have attained a minimum level in Mathematics, World History and Spanish Literature/Grammar, together with a basic knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, and an understanding of World Geography. You also have to be able to communicate in English.
Back to School: Travel as the Best Teaching Tool
What is even more rewarding than studying the thoughts and motives of outstanding philosophers and impactful statesmen? Traveling to their part of the world. Stepping where they have stepped. Seeing and touching for ourselves where they formulated and expressed their ideas. Can you think of a better education than that? I can’t.
An American Expat’s Take on Early Childhood Care and Education in Italy
Where the Italian school system steps up beautifully is for families with children between 3-6 years old. Scuola materna is not mandatory; children are not required to start school until 1st grade, but I have never met a parent who hasn’t used it at least part time. Italians believe that socializing their children is incredibly important, and that children should be with other children. In families where having only one child is now the norm, daycare is essential for meeting this need.
Balinese Dance Education
The island paradise of Bali exerts a marvelous, almost magnetic aesthetic appeal for western visitors. Much of that allure is due to the island’s richly diverse artistic culture. Among the many splendid forms, I think Balinese dance is the most compelling. Perhaps it is better called dance-drama as it is an art that cannot be separated from theater.
Naples: "A Paradise Inhabited by Devils”
Naples is a city that can easily fall into stereotypes, but these can never begin to capture the social and cultural complexity of this ancient metropolis.
Hope: A Reflection
If we read the newspaper headlines, and watch the TV news it certainly seems like there isn't much to be cheerful about; all we seem to hear about are wars, terrorism, the exodus of populations, hunger and now the Covid-19 pandemic. But are we able to see what is right in front of us from an objective perspective?