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Arts and Culture Jorge Roman Arts and Culture Jorge Roman

Spain’s Semana Santa

These days, the public journeys through the streets with dedicated volunteers hoisting the weight of ornate floats on their shoulders, carrying the religious figures through crowds of the faithful followers to their local parish. Those who want their sins forgiven must pay respect to their saints of devotion, parading behind the floats on their respective days of the week, depending on the cofradía they belonged to. 

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Arts and Culture Nina Seffusatti Arts and Culture Nina Seffusatti

Sankt Hans: A Danish Celebration

The Eve of Sankt Hans is tied to the feast of Saint John the Baptist (Sankt Hans in Danish, “Hans” being the diminutive for Johannes), who was born on June 24th, but Danes celebrate on the eve before. This celebration has though existed a long time before Denmark became christianized in the 10th century. Originally, it was the summer solstice being celebrated, a fertility festival with several customs and rituals connected with nature, the wish for good fortune, and the hope for a fertile harvest in the autumn. 

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