GC Columns
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The Tangibility of Time
From the moment we are born, we race to collect that which we believe are the most precious things we need, not least of which is money. However, at what we call the end of our existence, time becomes our most important possession. Of course, only our known time expires: the universe keeps going.
Is Rebirth Utopian?
Being a guide, I am also curious about the idea of rebirth in history. Almost everyone in the Western World studies the Italian cultural and artistic Renaissance, which of course has at its root the word for rebirth. Historians, though, do not tend to love the term, because although there is a clear cultural movement during that period, no cultural idea “dies”—nothing is reborn.
The Beginning of Our Civilization
I was born in the land of the Etruscans, Giotto, Michelangelo, Galileo, Leonardo, Meucci, Machiavelli and hundreds more. All men who, animated by curiosity and spirituality, understood what the key to intellectual progress was - like the philosophers, we must doubt everything, we must be open to new ideas, we must ask questions and explore.