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Social Matters, This Month Jorge Roman Social Matters, This Month Jorge Roman

“By the Hairs” in La Elipa

I am a tour guide and as you may guess, very affected in my job because of the damned virus. Colleagues worldwide are in the same boat. Many tour operators are disappearing, others are trying to re-invent themselves the way the can and others are just on standby until the vaccine is massively done, waiting for a “new normality” to take hold. A group of friends and colleagues from four continents have created an association called Guide Collective, ( ), of which I am a proud founding member.

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Arts and Culture Fran Glaria Arts and Culture Fran Glaria

Bullfighting: Art or BloodFest?

This is the moment of truth. The matador will try with his dance to make the bull look like the perfect creature that it is. It is, to me, the most beautiful moment of the corrida. The two in the ring become one soul. A good matador will be the bull’s shadow, will be his breath, they unite.

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Arts and Culture Fran Glaria Arts and Culture Fran Glaria

My Aunt Was a Witch!

When we think about witches, what normally comes to mind is an ugly, old woman with a wart on the tip of her nose, casting spells over a boiling pot. At least, this is the way Hollywood has portrayed them. It is 100% different from what we consider a witch in the Basque culture. We call them “sorguiñe”, which means “the one that gives life”.

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Arts and Culture, Travel Tips, Social Matters Trish Feaster Arts and Culture, Travel Tips, Social Matters Trish Feaster

Talk to Me, Goose: Learning Languages and Bridging Cultures in Your Travels

Because of the great ethnic and cultural diversity within each of the countries as well as the interconnectedness of all these countries with one another, there are actually more than 200 languages spoken throughout Europe. How do you bridge political, economic, social, and cultural divides when the mere act of communicating in the same language might not even be possible?

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