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Travel Tips, GC Faves, This Month Ben Curtis Travel Tips, GC Faves, This Month Ben Curtis

Top Destinations in Eastern and Central Europe for 2021 and 2022

I hope everyone is nurturing some travel dreams for the not too distant future, and in this post I’ll give my top recommendations for where to travel in Eastern and Central Europe over the next year. As much damage as the pandemic has done to the travel industry, for people who are ready to hit the road again soon, you’ll find some incredible opportunities and bargains.

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Travel Tips Fran Glaria Travel Tips Fran Glaria

The Road to Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is above all, a personal experience. No matter if you walk with your friends or with your partner, the rhythms of walking are different and there will be many miles where you bounce along with your thoughts. The Camino will change you for life. Do it for whatever reason inspires you, religious, spiritual, tourist, sports…regardless of how and why you start it, you will end it as a different person.

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Travel Tips Reid Coen Travel Tips Reid Coen

Go When You Can

Recently, I received a newsletter from Lonely Planet that featured an article titled, “Six Bucket List Destinations at Risk of Disappearing Due to Climate Change.” The list included the Galapagos Islands, a proposed destination for my tour company, Imprint Tours. Once again, I was reminded how a cherished travel goal can be yanked away, sometimes never to return. 

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