GC Columns
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Bell-ieve in the Power of the Bells
Bells have been around for a long while and we find them in most of the cultures around the world. In Europe, it’s easy to become accustomed to the melodies of bells ringing throughout the day, and it’s easy to discover their ap-peal (pun intended) wherever you might be in your own hometowns and in your travels.
Treasures from the Wreck of 2020
Travel being a significant expense for most people, gives us incentive to find a return on our time and money. It’s helpful to examine the biases that hooked me to the story, to crack them open, and call them out. Myths and legends work this way: they require not just a willing believer, but a wanting one too. They are very much chicken and egg.
Hieronymus Bosch—Ahead of His Time
In 2016 the Accademia had a special exhibit of the Flemish painter Hieronymus Bosch, who apparently spent some time in Venice. He was a successful late 15th-century Flemish artist. That success seems to defy all reason for me. It’s not that his art is not fascinating, arresting, and thought provoking (all good things in art), but rather that it was successful 500 years ago.
Brown Chicken Brown Cow: The Many Delights of Food Porn
There’s something so evocative to me about pictures of food and the power they have to vividly remind me of mouth-watering meals and moments that I’ve had on my travels. I can look at my culinary photos and remember exactly where I was, the scent of the dish just placed in front of me, and the way the flavors open up on my pallet.