Candy Cane Lane 2021 in San Diego County
Join Trish Feaster of The Travelphile and her husband Mike as they go on their annual ride through one of San Diego County's most famous holiday events: Candy Cane Lane!
Baking with Fran: A Pistachio Christmas Cake
Join Fran and his family as they bake a pistachio Christmas cake.
Christmas in Spain with Fran and Jorge
Join Jorge Roman of Traveling with Jorge and Francisco Glaria of Traveling Steps as they discuss Christmas in Spain.
Pamplona’s Incredible Crèche with Fran
Join Fran Glaría of Traveling Steps on a tour of one of Europe’s most impressive Nativity scenes in Pamplona, Spain
A Pamplona Christmas Tour
It is really beguinning to look a lot like Christmas in Pamplona, Spain. Join Fran Glaría on a very Merry Christmas city tour of his hometown Pamplona.
A Drive-Thru Visit of Candy Cane Lane
For decades, a community of neighbors have been decorating their homes to the Christmas nines, welcoming visitors with yuletide cheer, and bringing festive delight to all. Join Trish Feaster of The Travelphile as she and her husband Mike do a drive-thru visit of this San Diego classic Christmas event!
Ochagavia Is A Christmas Wonderland
Ochagavia, a small village in the Pyrenees is the perfect Spanish Christmas postcard. Join Fran Glaría and Elo Echeberria from Traveling Steps in a walking tour of this breathtaking village.
Cooking with Mum: Scottish Clootie Dumplings
Clootie dumpling is a traditional treat served up at birthdays and Christmastime in Scotland. The name comes from the “cloot” or cloth that the rich dumpling full of fruit and spices is steamed in.