Chef Denise’s Blood Orange and Fennel Salad
In Dogliani, Piemonte we explored some of those local products . After finding our unusual vegetable puntarella, we moved over to the Sicilian blood oranges and an array of radicchio. In this video, Chef Denise talks about their flavor profiles and how best to combine them. Of course, a beautiful salad recipe came to Chef Denise's mind and she is so generous to share it here with us!
Slow Food Delicacy: Italian Snails
See why independent snail farmer, Paolo Bove believes that snails should be the food of the future. Anna Savino from ItaliAnna Tours and Lisa Anderson from Lisa’s Dolce Italia visit the Italian farm in Piemonte to learn about (and taste) this slow food delicacy. They’ll also discover the self-care benefits of their potential serum.