GC Columns
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A Very Important Road Right Outside My Door
The sound of the group was much quieter and there were only jokes at night around the campfire. I personally started to enjoy walking by myself in silence. I started to appreciate the sound of the warm summer wind, I never realized that the wind sounds different in the cold of winter. The tweeting of the birds would guide me on each step. I loved how nature was whispering into my ears.
Puente de la Reina: A Crossroads on the Camino de Santiago
By the time pilgrims arrived in France, four different routes were clearly marked as the official ones. Those four routes merged into three and then into two before crossing the Pyrenees. They meet at the entrance of the village of Puente la Reina in Navarre, a small village that became the center of the world…or at least the center of the Christian world.
The Road to Santiago
The Camino de Santiago is above all, a personal experience. No matter if you walk with your friends or with your partner, the rhythms of walking are different and there will be many miles where you bounce along with your thoughts. The Camino will change you for life. Do it for whatever reason inspires you, religious, spiritual, tourist, sports…regardless of how and why you start it, you will end it as a different person.
Blending Modern Art and the Art of Wine-Making at Otazu Winery
There are records that show wine production in Otazu dating back to the 800s AD. It was the most relevant moment of the Camino De Santiago. This is the Saint James Pilgrimage—one of the three most important Christian pilgrimages in the world—and it used to cross Otazu´s property.